Viime syksynä löysin itseni asumasta Tampere-Helsinki akselilta. Vaikka asuin Tampereella yli puoli vuotta, se ei koskaan alkanut tuntua kodilta.. Koska "Home is not a place, it's a feeling".
Vähän yli kuukausi sitten palasin sinne mistä olen lähtöisin. Ja aluksi se oli todella hämmentävää. Kaikki tuntui liian pieneltä ja mitään ei ikinä tapahtunut. Vaikka tapahtui kyllä. Olinhan kuukauden päivät joka viikonloppu kuvaamassa kaikenlaista alkaen Ski Pridestä päättyen vappuun.
Torstaina kuitenkin kaikki loksahti paikalleen. Mäkihyppytornista vieläkin lumista tunturin huippua katsellessani tajusin kuinka tärkeä ja rakas tämä paikka on. Kaunista luontoa silmän kantamattomiin ja toinen toistaan huikeampia ihmisiä.
"Ethän sä pelkää korkeita paikkoja?" Multa kysyttiin, kun oltiin jo puolessa välissä menossa mäkihyppytorniin.Vastasin, että en tai että en oikeastaan tiedä. Tuulisella säällä mäkihyppytonissa seistessä tajusin, että kyllä mua vähän pelottaa. Pitkästä aikaa käden upottaminen poron turkkiin sai mut tuntemaan entistä enemmän siltä, että tänne mä kuulun.
Mutta oikeasti se hetki. Sellainen seestinen: "Mä olen kotona." hetki tuli, kun istuin muutaman some-vaikuttajan kanssa kodassa, jonka ainoa valo tuli tulesta. Join elämäni parasta kahvia ja kerrankin en tuntenut oloani oudoksi, kun otin kuvia ruoasta. Koska kaikki muutkin teki niin.
Vaikka kyllähän mä välillä kaipaan Helsinkiä, varsinkin Kalliota. Sitä isoa ikkunalautaa ja ruuhkaisia katuja. Tiedän, että jossain vaiheessa elämä tulee kuljettamaan mut sinne. Mutta: Ruka on mun koti, ja mä oon todella ylpeä siitä, että voin sanoa noin.
ENG: Last fall I surprisingly found myself living in Tamoere-Helsinki area. Even though I lived in Tampere for half an year, it never felt like home. Because home is a feeling, not a place.
About a month ago I came back where I've lived all my life. And it felt weird at first. Everything felt so small and out of order. Even though the first month I was back my weekends were filled with everything from Ski Pride to First of May.
Last Thursday I really felt that I'm home. I stood in a ski jump tower and all I saw was a breathtaking view. Mountains cowered in snow. Beautiful and clean nature and even better people.
"You're not afraid of heights?" I was asked when we were in the middle of climbing to the ski jump tower. No, or I'm not sure, I answered. And yeah, I am a little afraid of heights and I realized it when I stood in the tower in a really windy weather.
I patted reindeers and it made me feel like I'm at home. But the feeling really kicked in, when I sat in front of a fireplace and was surrounded by social media influencers. I had the best coffee I've ever had and I didn't deel weird when I took photos of my lunch, because everyone else was doing it too.
I miss Helsinki and especially Kallio. The huge windowstill and people around me. But I know that someday I'll be back in there. And in the mean time I'm proud to call Ruka home.
And super many thanks to Viktoria from @bluemoonthecrew for modeling me in the second capture without even knowing.
ENG: Last fall I surprisingly found myself living in Tamoere-Helsinki area. Even though I lived in Tampere for half an year, it never felt like home. Because home is a feeling, not a place.
About a month ago I came back where I've lived all my life. And it felt weird at first. Everything felt so small and out of order. Even though the first month I was back my weekends were filled with everything from Ski Pride to First of May.
Last Thursday I really felt that I'm home. I stood in a ski jump tower and all I saw was a breathtaking view. Mountains cowered in snow. Beautiful and clean nature and even better people.
"You're not afraid of heights?" I was asked when we were in the middle of climbing to the ski jump tower. No, or I'm not sure, I answered. And yeah, I am a little afraid of heights and I realized it when I stood in the tower in a really windy weather.
I patted reindeers and it made me feel like I'm at home. But the feeling really kicked in, when I sat in front of a fireplace and was surrounded by social media influencers. I had the best coffee I've ever had and I didn't deel weird when I took photos of my lunch, because everyone else was doing it too.
I miss Helsinki and especially Kallio. The huge windowstill and people around me. But I know that someday I'll be back in there. And in the mean time I'm proud to call Ruka home.
And super many thanks to Viktoria from @bluemoonthecrew for modeling me in the second capture without even knowing.